Copyrighted © by Ruchama Shirley Amariel in the Library of Congress, April 1994. Copyright number VA 650-103.

This is the first Ancient Hebrew Israelite Calendar that offers you somthing that no other calendar has:
1.  The original Hebrew months; 2.  The Jubilees; 3.  The Sabbatical years



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    First, as you may or may not know the word 'month' actually means 'moon' and the names of the months are in the hebrew scriptures and written upon hebrew artifacts. However, we differ from the Jewish months, in that their months are names from the Babylonian calendar.  We are commanded by God that we must call our first month  ABIB, ABIB (Ex. 12:1-2, 13:4, Deut. 16:1,) but as you can see by their calendar they do not follow that commandment.  This month ABIBtherefore serves as a clue to the original calendar months of the Hebrews, the only one given in the book called the holy bible.  The other months mentioned in the bible are Babylonian months called Nisanu (Nisan Neh 2:1, Est 3:7), Kislima (Kislev -2Ki.7:1), and Adarie (Adar- Est. 2:16, 3:13).  These months are Babylonian that do not include the month of ABIB.


    There are other sources which refer to the month of ABIB . One of them is in the second book of Adam and Eve (Ch. 12:13.)  It state that it is the month which Seth died in.  Also when we did further research and we found that the month of  ABIB appeared in the eastern Arabic calendar. 


The second month ABIB was found written in 2 Samuel 10:5 and 1 Chr. 19:5. 


The Third month ABIB was written in 2 Kings 15:13. 


The Fourth month ABIB Psalms 104:19 


The Fifth month ABIB, is not clear shown in the scriptures. However, it does appear in the Gezer Calendar, which is the earliest extant written document of ancient Israel. It is a school exercise tablet from the time of Solomon.  


The Sixth month ABIB was written in Nehemiah 7:73, Ezra 3:1, and appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 


The Seven month ABIB was written in 1 Kings 6:37 and Psalms 104:19, appeared in the Gezer Calendar and was also found written on the sarcophage of Eshmounazar II (Click to view). 


The Eighth month ABIB appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 


The Ninth month ABIB appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 


The Tenth month ABIB was written in 1 Kings 6:1; 6:37, and it also appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 


The Eleventh month ABIB appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 


The Twelifth month ABIB appeared in the Gezer Calendar. 




The new moons feast are giving as means for showing the beginning of the months (lunar) Num. 28:11 and Albaqurah 2:190 Koran.  You will  see that at the beginning of each month we call it the new moon feast (Isa. 20, Ps. 81:3.)  We use the crescent moon to show us a sign of  the first day is starting the month as I Enoch. 78:12 tells us to do.



In our calendar the leap year comes as commanded according to Enoch (I Enoch 4:74) to have them every 3rd, 5th, and 8th year cycles.   Not every 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th year cycles as the Jewish calendar do.  Not a Metonic cycles, but a Metatron cycle.



       A.    Hebrew year- was determined by these resources of the scriptures:
               1)   The Old Testament Apocryphal; The book of the life of Adam and Eve (Ch. 42 on page 158)
               2)   Forgotten books of the Eden; The book of Adam and Eve; (Ch. 3:6 on page 6;and also pages 8, 15, 26, 38, 69, 76)
               3)   The New Testament Apocryphal the Gospel of Nicodemus or Acts of Pilate (Ch. 19:28 on page 145) All these scriptures says that in 5500 years from the time of Adam that there would be a  coming of the (Hebrew) Messiah to the earth.  So if you consider the Julian year at the time of Yeshua's birth as the year 1 B.C. as we did, which is also our 5500 year.  Now start from 1 B.C. to 1996 and add it to 5500 you will come up to the answer of 7496's year on the top of the calendar.  Adding one year every ABIB 1 of the following year.



The Jubilees are determined by the scriptures that prophesied that the Messiah would be born in a jubilee year (the 110th Jubilee or year 1 BCE.).  The last noted Sabbath & Jubilee Year recorded was the 7th Sabbath & 97th Jubilee (at Jer 32:1; 32:6) in 590-589 BC. Therefore we came up with the jubilee year at the top of the calendar, because by law this is one of the most important times for our nation (Lev. 25:8-12.).



The sabbathical year - which is every seventh year is a rest year for the land and people (Lev. 25:2-7.)  We found five source of the event of a sabbath year.


1)        I Maccabee 6:48 which was believed to be the last recorded sabbath year which was the Greek year 150th, and the 163rd of the Julian  calendar.


2)        Jeremiah Ch. 31 & 34, are the only record of the sabbath year from the Bible in 590 B.C.


3)        In Maccabees time pg. 138 or Ch. 6:48, the Sabbath Year kept in Israel on Mount Zion in 177B.C. 


4)        The Sabbath Year kept by Black Indians/ Hebrews in New Mexico on Hidden Mountain in 107 B.C.


5)        Shimronite (last historic refference) to Sabbath Year two years after 1824 A.D.

From these dates years we determined the following sabbathical years to this date.



The days of the week on this calendar comes from the hebrew language words for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and DESIST (Gen. chapter 1 & 2:1-4). Yet, the children were commanded to keep the Sabbath day as a day of desist (Ex. 16). In chapter 16:1 when they arrived in the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month. And they were given their first manna on the morning of the sixteenth day until the twenty first day when they received a double portion of manna. In order to eat on the twenty second day of the second month. And this system was kept by the children of Israel for forty years, until came unto the borders of the land of Canaan. The Sabbath day was not governed by the moon or the sun! But the word of Yahweh /Allah-as-from and according to the first day that the manna was given to them for forty years.

The people that have maintained this sabbatical order among our people were the Ashani of the town of Ashan. And as far as to the horn of the land of Ham where the priest of the town of Ashan [that was town of Simeon in the land of Judah that was given to the priest (Jos. 15:42, 19:7; 1Chr. 4:32, 6:57)] settled. They were known there as the Ashanti after the town that they came from. Where the High priest of the breastplate dwell and wears a gold-emblem turban. They also maintain the language of our people in their villages. In addition, they continue to observe the Sabbath (on Saturday) and the holy days of Israel.

Also the Arabic numbering of the days of the week lists the 6th day as Al-Sit'ah meaning the 6th day and the 7th day as Al- Sabt, meaning the day of the Sabbath. In association with Preparation day meaning the day before the Sabbath the 6th day of Al- Sit'ah is often called Al- Jummah, which means the gathering. The Jummah service actually occurs in the afternoon prior to sundown on the 6th day (Friday) of Al-Khamees as an introduction to Preparation Day. The New Testament speaks of the Preparations day at Mark 16:42. And in the Quran in Surah 16:124 it makes mention of the Sabbath stating that 'The sabbath was only ordained for those who differed about it and most surely you Lord will judge between them on the ressurection day concerning that about which they differed..'.

Now how did our Sabbath day and the Roman Saturn day become the correspondant? Historically, the name Saturday or Saturn's day is related to the name of Satan or the number six, because Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and was associated with the number six as in the sixth day of the week. The Romans Saturnalia and the Israelite Sabbath were considered days of rest. On Saturnalia Roman slaves were relieved of their burdens and were even served by their masters, while the Israelite Sabbath demanded rest not only for the manservant and maidservant but for the animals of burden as well. Later the Roman's expanded their festival to a 7 day and thus Sabbath day, Saturday (Saturnalia) became sanonamis.

The historian Tacitus confirmed that the Jewish observance of the Saturday Sabbath was done in honor of Saturn. And Josephus confirms this in the History of the Jews Book 5 stating 'It is generally supposed that they rest on the 7th day because that day gave them rest from their labors. Besides which they are idle on every 7th year as being pleased with a lazy life. Others say that they do honor thereby Saturn...'.

In conclusion, this is the history of how our people to this day honor the sabbath day conjunction with Saturday and correspondance with this Roman Saturn's day.


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